I know it's been a while. A lot has happened since my last post. I have gotten engaged after over ten years of being single. My oldest daughter has moved back in with me for the first time since she was 17 (she is now 21). If you read my last post this is no small thing. My youngest daughter is navigating middle school and we are all living happily ever after under one roof! Well okay you got me that is not entirely true. Addiction has effected us all profoundly. In March of 2014 the children's father passed away of ongoing heart problems one month shy of his 51st birthday. I am happy to say he was sober when he died other than the medications prescribed to keep him comfortable in his last days. Now that the addict/alcoholic is gone is help really necessary for the family?
I am at a crossroads in my life right now. I took the bold move to obtain a coaching certification from October 2014 to November 2015 when I was finally certified. I have manifested a position at my day job which I love and was at a point of burnout when I started the coaching program. Being in the spotlight is not easy for me so marketing my business has been a challenge. I have committed to a lifetime with the love of my life which has also been through the power of manifestation. Prior to that I was in one dead end relationship after another. I am watching my children who continue to grieve the loss of their father navigate life and decide on their own paths and realising I can only provide support and encouragement. I can't fix the pain or loss that they feel but I can provide them with ongoing help and support through outside resources.
So now where do I start to make sense of my life and have the strength to be there emotionally and mentally for my kids so they can grow into responsible adults? Everyone needs help finding their way especially when life seems to go so far off course. It serves no purpose to blame any one action or inaction from myself or the addicted loved one for my circumstance. I have learned that I am the creator of my own future and for my children to have a chance at stability and happiness I need to create the best future for myself that I can. Here are the steps I am taking to manifest my perfect life!
1. Gain clarity in the life I want to create.
Why is clarity important? Manifesting is impossible when I am not clear on what I want. I will use my relationships for an example. In the past I knew I was looking for a lifetime partner but due to the pain and hurt I have experienced I was always looking for what I didn't want in a relationship rather than what I did want. In other words I was attracting people through a negative energy which kept me feeling like every relationship lacked something I needed. Living in lack created the space for fear and doubt to creep in which is no good for finding a life partner. It was not until I used the knowledge of what I didn't want to identify what I did want did my love life begin to turn around. Gaining clarity is essential and the coaching I got and coaching tools I learned allowed me to find that clarity.
2. Why do I want to create this life?
Why is it important to know why? It is only when I found out why I wanted to create this new life did things start to change for me. For me my why is creating stability for my future, becoming able to fully support my children financially without the help of my parents and to be able to spend my retirement comfortably with the ability to travel. I have to be fully invested in the why before manifestation can take place. I have to feel in line with the direction I am taking to make things work. When that is present the knowledge that the Universe will support me in manifesting my vision is so comforting!! I really just have to take the roads presented to me and at times take a leap of faith that this road is right.
My primary example of this is the money I spent to become certified as a coach. I felt called to coaching like someone who is called to the ministry. The financial leap taken by this single parent was no small one. I had a little money that I wanted to invest and I thought what better way to invest than in myself. The expense also kept me focused to complete all assignments in a timely manner to achieve my goal of certified coach. All I can say is that I have already gotten my money's worth in the things I have been able to manifest so far that whether I become a full time coach or not (I am a part time coach right now and don't have the why yet to quit my job and make the leap to full time) I am so grateful for the experiences and the learning.
3. How will living this life make me feel?
The Universe and the Law of Attraction works not by what I think but how I feel. If I am living in fear and lack I will continue to manifest fear and lack. I have learned that to create the life I want I need a baseline feeling that I already have what I want to create. This is the part that requires so much help from a coach or a support group or both because those of us who have been touched by addiction are negatively charged at baseline. I could think of the most negative outcome for a certain problem and obsess about it for days or weeks prior to becoming involved in the family support groups that I still attend today. By the time I went into the coaching program I was aware of terms like detachment and letting go but it was not until I went through my certification program that I saw how these things were related to the Univesal Laws and how these laws worked within the steps to help people become sober and family members become sain. Truly all spiritual practices are in tune with the Universe and our vision of a higher power that brings calm to the storm and helps our thinking to become more positive. When utilising all supports at my disposal I began to feel that I had the security all along (think Dorothy there's no place like home). When I feel happy and secure I begin to manifest from that place and things begin to happen as if by magic!
My story is by no means over. My life continues to produce miracles including my oldest choosing to live with me again while she goes to school. I am not looking for perfection but a sense of peace and serenity that to me makes my life feel perfect. With that in mind I have created my first products just for you. Creating the perfect life is within your grasp as it is mine. I have been where you are and want to be there to help you quiet the storm. Your first session is always at my expense. Is creating your perfect life something you strive for?
Please contact me for your first clarity session to see if we connect. We don't need perfect lives to create the feelings of perfection. We only need guidance, willingness and the ability to take a leap of faith!! I have found that and so can you.
Pictured here are my niece, Cassie, my oldest Shelby, my youngest Sarah and my sister Lisa. This was taken at Universal Studios last Christmas. No perfect pictures here but cherishing the memories!!
Will you let me help you find your perfect life? Contact me to start now!!